Grip Care
Winn Grips are made from an advanced polymer. Polymer is not a rubber. Therefore, Winn grips should be treated and cared for in a different manner.

Cleaning a Winn Grip
Because Winn grips have absorbent properties, they may eventually soil from dirt and perspiration from your fishing glove and hands. This does not affect the performance of the grip.
To clean a Winn grip, apply a small amount of water or rubbing alcohol to a soft towel, and gently rub the grips. Do not saturate the towel. Never use a brush and soapy water to clean a Winn grip because it may damage the top surface and destroy the tackiness and slip-resistance of the grip.
DO NOT immerse Winn grips in a bucket of water to clean them. This will saturate the underlying layer of the grip and may ruin the grip.