HUNTINGTON BEACH, California – Winn Inc. will introduce its revolutionary fishing rod grips to the Japanese market at the Japan Fishing Festival 2014 in Yokohama, March 21 to 23, at Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Winn, known worldwide for its high-tech golf grips, entered the global fishing rod market early this year with a booth display at China Fish 2014 in Beijing and introduction of its new Winn rod grips website:

Winn Grips spring from the patented technologies of Dr. Ben Huang, who worked under “the father of rocket science,” Dr. Wernher Von Braun, in the development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo spacecraft to the moon.

Winn’s trailblazing technologies, grip textures and designs have earned the endorsement of golf swing guru Butch Harmon and the acclaim of the golf world. Dr. Huang promises to match this level of excellence in tailoring grip technology to fishing rods.

“In recent years, fishermen have enjoyed innovation in every component of the fishing rod except the seat of control – the handle,” said Dr. Huang. The company launches its rod market journey with a wide range of grips, handles and rod wrap tapes made from its patented WinnDry polymer and other Winn innovations.

Winn’s 2014 globetrotting introduction to the tackle world will include booth appearances at EFTTEX 2014, (European Fishing Tackle Trade Expo) at the Brussels Expo Centre in Brussels, Belgium, June 12-14, and at 2014 ICAST (International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, July 15-18.

Winn offers its grips for both O.E.M. and after-market purchase.

Winn innovation in the winner’s circle Winn enters the rod market at full sail, riding the momentum of three award distinctions earned by two of its contract partners in 2013.

Redington Fly Rods of Bainbridge Island, Washington, earned the top award in the fly rod category for its Vapen Red fly rod line, introduced at EFTTEX 2013 in Vienna, Austria. It followed up with a “Best Fly Rod” award at the International Fly Tackle Dealer New Product Showcase in Las Vegas, Nevada, last July. The rod’s distinctive red PowerGrip was a collaborative effort between Redington and Winn.

In February, Outdoor Life magazine singled out the Cabela’s Tournament ZX fishing rod, featuring a split grip made by Winn, for an Editor’s Choice Award as one of the outstanding new fishing rods introduced last season. Dr. Ben Huang launched Winn in 1973 and owns over 100 patents worldwide for materials and design technologies in fishing, golf, tennis, bicycling, and other industries.

For more information on Winn fishing rod grips, visit